Platobný modul PrestaShop / thirty bees pre príjem platieb kartou bránou eCard VÚB (NestPay), ktorú prevádzkuje Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s.
Kompatibilita PS | PrestaShop 8.x - 1.6.x |
Kompatibilita TB | thirty bees 1.0.x - 1.3.x |
Podpora multistore | áno |
Dostupné preklady | slovenský, český, anglický |
Dokumentácia | áno |
Používa override | nie |
Technická podpora | 180 dní |
Dostupnosť aktualizácií | 1 rok |
Platforma | PrestaShop |
Developer | Caleydon Group s.r.o. |
Produkt s požadovanými parametrami už nie je na sklade
Dátum dostupnosti:
Platobná brána eCard VÚB umožňuje zákazníkom bezhotovostnú platbu debetnými a kreditnými kartami VISA, MasterCard a Diners Club za zakúpený tovar vo Vašom e-shope, v prospech Vášho bankového biznis účtu, vedeného vo Všeobecnej úverovej banke, a.s.. Modul zabezpečuje komunikáciu medzi Vašim internetovým obchodom PrestaShop a webom VÚB -
Všetky aktuálne obchodné podmienky o prevádzkovaní služby eCard VÚB Vám poskytne Všeobecná úverová banka.
Prejdite prosím na web Všeobecnej úverovej banky:
Modul pri inštalácii vytvorí v databáze tabuľku "[PREFIX]_ecardvub_log", ktorá slúži na archivovanie základných údajov komunikácie platobného modulu a systému eCard VÚB (neukladajú sa žiadne citlivé údaje zákazníkov, či kariet). Pri odinštalovaní modulu sa táto tabuľka nezmaže, pretože údaje v nej je potrebné z dôvodu možných reklamácií archivovať.
Výpis záznamov platobných transakcií nájdete v ovládacom paneli modulu.
V dizajne modulu eCard VÚB vo verejnej časti obchodu sa mi zobrazuje pravý / ľavý stĺpec šablóny, aj keď sa pri iných platobných moduloch nezobrazuje. Kde a ako môžem nastaviť zobrazenie stĺpcov?
Odpoveď: Prejdite prosím do časti Ovládací panel > Predvoľby > Šablóny a logá (Back Office > Preferences > Themes), pri aktuálne zvolenej šablóne kliknite na tlačidlo "Upraviť". Následne sa dostanete do časti, kde môžete ovládať zobrazovanie stĺpcov pre rôzne stránky e-shopu. Pre modul eCard VÚB nájdite položky "module-ecardvub-payment" a "module-ecardvub-validation" a nastavte zobrazovanie stĺpcov podľa Vášho želania.
------------- PrestaShop 1.7.x & 8.x ------------
version 2.1.0 (08/13/2024)
+ converted response.php script into regular module "response" controler and using order-confirmation controler
x payment log file moved into dedicated folder
version 2.0.0 (08/11/2024)
x renamed module folder name from ecardvub to cm_ecardvub
+ initial release for PrestaShop 8.0.x and 8.1.x
+ compatibility with PHP 8.0+
+ added support for new information for a payments (not yet mandatory):
- details about cardholder
- billing address
- shipping address
+ added feature allowing remove interpunction from cardholder data
+ added Updater - new module version check mechanism
+ added BO module tabs for better UX usability and experience
+ added badge indicated if the module is On or Off
+ added module BO alerts:
- Cookies SameSite type
- Mobile phone number mandatory in the customer addresses
+ added BO fields depending by JS
x fixed customer's email and mobile phone information in the payment URL
x fixed displaying logo size in the order detail
x fixed contact link in the templates - return blank page
x fixed creating a hash for log file if no exist
x improved module code
x improved module installation script
+ added "install" folder
+ installation: copying TWIG email notification template during the installation process
+ installation: execute SQL for EN, SK & CS translations of module Meta tags
+ installation: execute SQL for SK & CS translations of module notification email templates
+ used new translation system only (via .xlf files) - from PrestaShop
+ installation: copying XLF translation files during the installation process into /app/Resources/translations/ (in the PrestaShop 1.7.x)
----------------- PrestaShop 1.7.x -----------------
version 1.7.15 (10/11/2023)
x IMPORTANT: fixed bug that hide back-office navigation tabs
version 1.7.14 (06/11/2023)
x fixed date bug on PHP 8.1 that prevent module installation
x fixed referral_uri variable bug on PHP 8.1 that prevent processing of the payment
version 1.7.13 (04/25/2023)
+ added an option allowing set alternative type of redirecting from module BO
x fixed loading CSS on order detail page (for payment logo formating)
version 1.7.12 (07/14/2022)
x added BO module tabs for better UX usability and experience
+ added feature in order to add custom & multi-language name of the payment method in the checkout
+ added an option to show/hide detailed payment instructions in the checkout
+ added an option to allow cancel order by customer
x fixed bug when payment response not accepted VS = order reference
x do not display module alerts when the module is no active
x fixed missing nbProducts variable into notification page
x normalized Hook names
x fixed minor issues
version 1.7.11 (12/25/2021)
+ added an option to choose payment variable symbol type (Order ID or Order reference)
+ added order payment record if payment state has logable option allowed
+ added INVOICENUMBER parameter into transaction
+ added separated Merchant ID and Security Key fields for testing and live environment
version 1.7.10 (09/29/2021)
+ added displayOrderDetail hook
+ added "Finish payment" button - the customer is now allowed to pay later from an Order detail / Guest tracking page
+ added "Cancel payment & order" button - the customer is now allowed to cancel the payment and order
+ added an option to redirect customer when the payment was not successful:
+ for "place an order before the payment" order method - redirect into order detail page with "Finish payment" button
+ for "place an order after the payment" order method - redirect back into checkout
+ added variables for adding a marketing & affiliate codes
+ added an warning alert when friendly URLs are disabled and SSL is not available
+ added changing order state when customer cancel the payment (for "place an order before the payment" order method)
+ added Extra email variables
+ added Apple Pay & Google Pay logo
+ added explanation instruction for customers on the Checkout
+ added an PHP warning alert
+ added a custom hook {hook h='displayecardvubicons'} in order to display module payment icons everywhere you want
+ added Back Office CSS file (displayBackOfficeHeader hook)
+ added an option to redirect customer back into checkout when the payment was not successful (for "place an order after the payment" order method)
+ added log file for debugging purposes to recording: request payment info/URL, return payment info/URL, transaction notification
+ added "repeat" controller in order to fix conflict with "payment" controller and PS_PURCHASE_MINIMUM value when calling repeat the payment
+ get Time zone setting for payment from PrestaShop localization settings
- removed useless payment step - the customer is redirected on payment gateway directly from the checkout page
- removed module JS file that may affected PrestaShop BO
x fixed Repeat payment bug with redirection when minimal purchase is no zero
x fixed parameters in {guest_tracking_url} template email URL
x improved return URL when guest/customer cancel the order by his choice
x fixed an issue when friendly URLs were disabled
x revamped whole payment and redirection process
x improved payment intro page in the checkout - added information about payment process
x simplified of the payment execution template
x updated notification email templates - added "Finish Payment" button
x fixed order data in notification controller
x fixed payment return referral URL for log
x updated VISA a VISA Electron logo, 2021 version
x various code improvements
x updated module documentation
version 1.7.9 (10/31/2020)
x added update for PSD2
version 1.7.8 (04/12/2020)
x fixed bug with redirecting from the checkout
version 1.7.7 (01/03/2020)
+ added Back Office CSS and JavaScript file (displayBackOfficeHeader hook)
- removed useless payment step - the customer is redirected on the payment gateway directly from the checkout page
x IMPORTANT FIX: changed the way how to handle $required parameter in the response to verify the transaction signature
x IMPORTANT FIX: removed MD parameter from the validation process in the response (reason: response after Diners Club card payment doesn't contain MD parameter)
x payment icons redesign
x improved module back office - added an icons and buttons
x fixed displaying "tax included" suffix (and his translation) depending on PrestaShop tax settings
x updated available card payments allowed by eCard VUB
x improved selector to choose the type of goods you selling
x updated module documentation
version 1.7.6 (10/25/2019)
+ added selector for PrestaShop theme
+ added private notes field
+ added selector to choose the type of goods you selling
+ added a price comparison on order to prevent change the order by customer while is payment processed
x fixed missing order_status variable when error message
x updated available card payments allowed by eCard VUB
x updated module documentation
version 1.7.5 (03/20/2019)
+ added a new supported currencies and languages
version 1.7.4 (11/29/2018)
x added a price comparison on order to prevent change the order by customer while is payment processed
version 1.7.3 (11/13/2018)
x IMPORTANT UPDATE: a new response processing from payment gateway based on statuses: Approved, Declined and Error instead MD status.
+ added logging response URL
+ added module upgrade script - added a new columns into MySQL tables: response_file, order_method & return_url
x changed MySQL table parameters
+ added DB logging for "Order before payment" method
+ added a new payment state "Declined eCard VUB payment"
+ added a new columns into record table in order to easiest identify payment errors
x improved notification messages
x fixed missing $cart definition in hookPaymentReturn (thanks to Mr. Majzlik)
version 1.7.2 (11/30/2017)
x updating testing payment URL
x fixed translation of the order private message created by the module
x improved adding order Private messages
version 1.7.1 (11/10/2017)
x fixed payment validation process for PrestaShop 1.7.2.x
version 1.7.0 (15/02/2017)
+ initial release for PrestaShop 1.7.x (testing environment: PrestaShop
+ front office redesign for PrestaShop 1.7 Classic theme
x updated module documentation
x updated "Terms and conditions of use" document
+ added a new feature
x fixed issue, updated feature
- removed feature
Platobný modul PrestaShop pre príjem platieb kartou bránou NestPay, ktorú prevádzkuje Intesa Sanpaolo pre banky v jej skupine, ale aj pre iné banky.
Ďakujem za pomoc pri orientacii medzi paltobnymi systemami pre eshopy. Zatial modul funguje bez problemov!